Well, reality check time: the Five is still in pieces after my weeks guiding in Austria at the start of June, the hardtail still hasn't been stripped to be replaced, the singlespeed still hasn't had its forks or rear hub serviced and I'm not getting out on the bike anywhere near as much as I'd been anticipating back in April.
This could be down to a few things - the weather isn't playing ball, despite what the Met Office have said. It's warm, but here in the Chilterns, it's still slimy under wheel and I'm still living in a flat. I have enough of that shit during the winter - summer to me is no-washy-bikey time. There's also a fair lady on the scene - sure, she rides bikes, but isn't it amazing just how much time a new relationship eats? I still can't get my head around it - I swear there's a time monster under my bed. Saturday is merely a snack, warming up for the main course of Sunday. Before I know it it's Monday, I'm wheeling the bike out to the car for the Monday commute and have no real recollection of where the weekend went - I certainly didn't ride my bike.
Then there's work. Sure, I get to work at home a few times a week. But all that means is that I work longer. I know, I know - time management. Yes, this is an aim, and something I do do to a degree - hey, I do get the odd lunchtime run in!
But ultimately, I do need to get out more. I have some of the finest trails in the Home Counties on my doorstep, Aston Hill is but a stones throw and I have have some very, very good kit to get out and play on.
So no excuses.
Good - glad we got that sorted. Time for a beer.